Hospice Cat, er, Care

So, it’s come to this. My latest hospitalization was May 21st to June 16th during which I had a lot of meetings and doctors and tests and treatments. I left with my defibrillator function turned off (as it once was for many years) and also left on hospice care at home. What does that mean? Well, for one it means the end of hospital visits. All treatments will be done at home unless an extreme emergency comes up. It means I have new nurses coming and aiding me in new ways and basically just keeping me as comfortable as possible. It means the end of my life. Some people have seen me say I’m dying for quite some time now

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Version 12 is Here

Due to the old theme I was using deciding to remove one of the sidebars, I have decided to not use it anymore and switch to another theme. I’m still working on it, though, so what you see here may not be finalized for another few weeks. Perhaps longer, because, obviously I don’t pay much attention to this website anymore. (Yet I can’t ever let it die…) Farewell version 11 (11.5).

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