Near Death Experience: The Epilogue

What I’m sitting down here to write is intended to be an epilogue to a post I made about four years ago called “Near Death Experience“.  It’s been four years and I never quite wrote that “Part 2” to the story, so I figured an epilogue was more appropriate.  So if you haven’t read about “the event” before, maybe you should start there.  I just had to re-read it for the first time and it was still difficult making it all the way through.  I had to pause a couple times, even. So let’s see… where to begin… Not long after I had that experience and posted the blog entry, on June 24th, 2010, I lost my job — and soon after, my

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Near Death Experience

On May 3rd, I received a bi-ventricular ICD.  It’s a pacemaker, intended to help my heart chambers beat in sync and in the correct order.  This device also has an extra wire that, in the event that my heart goes wacky, it will use electro-shock therapy to get me back into rhythm.  It will try this a couple times if it seems reasonable.  Or/then it will move directly into full-fledged defibrillation.  This is the kind of jolt that the paddles give a person after the doctor rubs them together and yells “CLEAR!”  This device was implanted because of the LBBB I developed after my septal myectomy. So aside from some adjustments that needed to be made, I was beginning to

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People. People who need people.

It’s been 10 days since Circuit Theory “broke up” and played their last show. It’s been 4 days since I witnessed a woman crossing the street get struck by a speeding car, who never stopped. Kinda having a hard time getting that out of my head. Thursday will mark one month since my grandmother’s death. I’ve been thinking lately about people in my past. I’ve been thinking about how we can have people play such integral roles in our lives; to be friends and/or lovers with someone for whatever amount of time and then just separate like a split cell to go in totally different directions, never looking back. It’s kind of amazing that we work like that, y’know? We

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