I knew my dad collected things but I…

I knew my dad collected things but I had no idea just how much. I tell ya, I could literally put a neon sign in the front window and a little “Store Hours” sign on the door and run a small store out of here for the next 6 months to a year.

I knew he had a lot of records, but I didn’t know exactly how many. He had 375 albums. Now I have 375 albums. I know this because I cataloged them this afternoon-into-evening. Wanna see?

There is Star Trek memorabilia, Mr. T. memorabilia, books, movies, baseball cards, baseball memorabilia, Nascar memorabilia, Playboys from 1960’s to early 1990’s, and much more. So I’m thinking of the best way to eBay it all out of here. I don’t know what the best way is…. I’ve never sold even a dirty sock on eBay.

I keep saying to myself as I walk around the house “Damn… what the hell am I going to with all this?” I need a dumpster outside of my house. Seriously. How does one get one of them?


Create until nothing is left to create.

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