It’s not that I’m neglectful, I just have…

It’s not that I’m neglectful, I just have little time. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, either… it’s just I don’t know how to say it.

I’ve been so tired. But all in all, things are going ok. I am buying a cheap digital camera and will take pictures of so many items in the house to sell on eBay. I don’t know how long it will take but I’m in for the long haul. With that money, I will purchase a professional digital camera and start a small hobby up. Then, as I write this I think “Why not buy the professional one and it will pay for itself with the eBay items…? Then I only have one digital camera as needed.” Granted, I could then sell the small digital camera on eBay once I buy the professional one. What the hell…. this should be an easier decision.

Any suggestions?

HEY! A Perfect Circle is releasing a new album, right, on November 2nd. It’s a collection of covers of songs about WAR, PEACE, LOVE AND GREED, entitled “eMOTIVe.”

They just released their first single off of it. It’s a cover of John Lennon’s “Imagine” !!!! Ohhhhhhh…. LISTEN!


Create until nothing is left to create.

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