A True Christmas Story

This is a true account written just after Christmas 1999 about an event which happened a few days earlier. Being the shut-in that I was at the time, please put yourself in the shoes of someone who really tries to avoid contact with most everyone for unexplainable reasons. Thursday Night, December 23rd. I go to my psychologist’s office for my weekly session. I’m a little early so I sit in my car for 15 minutes or so puffing away on a cigarette. In that time I spot a girl who looks to be in her early 20’s inside the lobby’s big glass doors. She’s sitting on the steps with long brown hair, as she ties her shoe. She grabs hold

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What’s NEW?

In the mood to write, I am not. But I haven’t done so in awhile, during a very hectic time in my life, so I figure I should. (side note: I do “tweet” a lot, so you can at least be paying attention to that…) So, what’s going on. New Years just happened. Dan called me a couple nights before and invited me to something quite special. A private party in Brooklyn with Amanda Palmer from The Dresden Dolls, along with 60 or so other people, followed by a concert of hers at The Bowery Ballroom. Admittedly, I’ve never been able to get into her music but I could appreciate it and the conviction she puts into it. So, I

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Weird…. I just had a flashback of walking down Lansdowne Avenue with an ex from long ago.  It was  around Christmas time, perhaps Christmas Eve; and it was so quiet, so still, with a brisk chill in the air.  We were lit by Christmas lights adorning the houses and the streetlamps above.  It was so peaceful in that moment.  I’ve not known a moment like that since. I really do dwell on the past a lot.

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