I don’t know what is was, or what…

I don’t know what is was, or what I may have done… or what you may have done, even.

I want to understand. Everything. At this point, I believe I need to.

I do understand that friends come in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant.* But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t say goodbye.

As I sit here, staring into my digital window, looking at my life at a glance, I can see my past and most interestingly enough, I can see my past’s present. I can actually see where I may have been. I can see my past getting on, getting ahead of myself, without looking back. And I stare…. intensly. Hoping for a glance. But all I see is smoke from your afterburner and a total disregard for the ones who cared — complete with eraser shavings that left a burn on my heart.

Hawaii is not the furthest you’ve traveled.

*Stolen from: Stephen King


Create until nothing is left to create.

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