
I do plan on writing a mini-memoir about my surgery, post-op complications this week, and whatever else… but so far I’ve only felt like soaking in rest and relaxation, so I’ve not been inclined to do it yet. In the meantime, I would like to share a story I wrote a number of years ago and just found again. Unlike some re-postings, I have no other purpose for posting this again other than I thought it was pretty good. Originally published elsewhere on January 17th, 2004 “Bottoms up.” she says as she told me she just found her ex-fiancé asleep in bed with her roommate. Also sleeping. Also topless. A shot of Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum runs down her throat

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Old Words, Part 1

Going through some hidden archives of my writing. Came across a few things that, I have to admit, I’m quite impressed by. Most of it I don’t even remember writing. I’m glad I did, though. Perhaps I’ll share more publicly here as time goes on. I wrote a number of pieces through the telling of a fictional story, or a fictional story based on real-life events; a mixing of reality, metaphor, and fantasy. This is one of them. 12/22/05 “I wasn’t really in that bad of a mood,” I recalled to myself later in the evening. I remember walking into the hall of tears and cheers and looking at all the paintings on the wall. They were animated, but lifeless

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Deferred Gratification

I like to re-post this every once in awhile. It was written by an old blogger friend named Sarah (a.k.a. Timtom). “Maybe these aren’t the shit times, maybe it’ll always be like this. Probably not for you. You usually get what you want. I remember though, my A level teacher was always talking about Deferred Gratification. How us 6th formers were doing the right thing, and we’d get our rewards later, and they’d be better for it. Then, they said the same thing at university. I feel like I should be sending off for my gratification now. Maybe it’ll be like when I applied for a provisional driving license last month. They wrote back saying ‘But you’re already allowed to

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Sorry, All

Sorry, Dan. I was supposed to see Religulous today with him, but it completely slipped my mind and he drove all the way to the theater to find I wasn’t there. I could have sworn I put it in my calendar but it wasn’t there to remind me. I feel awful. I spent the last couple hours going through some really old blogs. Man, I was fucking nuts between 19 and 22. For real. I feel bad for acting the way I did to a handful of people. I’m just not like that anymore. Here’s a picture of me from around the year 2000 (Age: 20). Pretty hot, right?

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Weird…. I just had a flashback of walking down Lansdowne Avenue with an ex from long ago.  It was  around Christmas time, perhaps Christmas Eve; and it was so quiet, so still, with a brisk chill in the air.  We were lit by Christmas lights adorning the houses and the streetlamps above.  It was so peaceful in that moment.  I’ve not known a moment like that since. I really do dwell on the past a lot.

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