Where is everyone at quarter after 6 in…

Where is everyone at quarter after 6 in the morning?

Ahh… right. “Bed”.

Insomnia has captured me and I’d be willing to bet that it’s not just the fact that I slept until about 3 in the afternoon. There’s just so much going on, man. I pick my mom up in a few hours to take her back home. Then off to work I go.


I was speaking with my district manager the other day about how the Ritz Restoration center is crap. First, it goes down to Beltsville, MD, takes at least 6 weeks to get back and when it does finally come back it looks like shit. Not to mention, if there are any special instructions for the imaging technicians, they are not followed… at all. Something really should be done about this and I *KNOW* I’m not alone in my frustration with the place. So I spoke my peace to her.

She agreed and followed it with “Yeah, y’know, I’d love to have a district imaging center.”


Well, Ms. District Manager… I am your man! I told her how I just recently launched my site and doing stuff like that really is a bit of a passion. “Wonderful!” She says, and we continue to try to make plans for this to happen. If I can get the back room of my store cleaned up and ready, then she’ll give me a computer and Ka-Blam!, we have an imaging center with yours truly in charge. Part time.

She said there’s no way that the regional manager would allow for me to become imaging tech and away from assistant manager of the store. They see too much potential in me and do not want to stunt that growth.

We briefly talked about pay on this. Obviously it would add more to my income and she’d have to talk to the RM about it. When I mentioned that I don’t just have to work in the store, but that I can also take stuff home with me, she was hesitant because that would mean they’d have to pay me for hours I work at home, unless of course they make me salary. I’d rather not do that. But my dad brought up a good point today. Find out whatever they pay the current imaging techs and request that it be some sort of separate check or something. Pay me at my current rate for being assistant manager plus the rate of what the techs make. That’ll be asking a lot, but it does sound fair… though I’m probably overlooking something with that.

I don’t know. I don’t know how this will happen, but damn. This is one GOOD step in the right direction of making a career out of something I *WANT* to do!

So there’s another thing that’s on my mind.

Also, let’s see… if you met someone online that you got along with superbly, find them incredibly attractive, and see a lot of potential in a having a great relationship with them, how long could you wait before that person decides they are ready to meet you face to face?

2 weeks?

A month?

3 months?

What about 4 months? 4 months of nightly conversations involving many expressions of mutual care and great admiration. Could you do that? Could you do that not knowing that you had to wait at all? Not knowing when that person would be ready and asking at every opportunity if it’s OK to hang out that day? Not completely understanding WHY they’re not ready to even just meet you once to see if you got along well in person?

Could you do it for 4 months?

How about 5?

What about a year?

November 12th marked the beginning of Suicide Season.

You know, where more people commit suicide because they realize around the holidays just how lonely, sad, and pathetic they really are?

We’re in that season.

Well, I am anyway.


Create until nothing is left to create.

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